Physical Rehabilitation Veterinarian

Dr. Stephanie Austin

Dr. Austin received her Bachelor of Science (Maj. Vet tech) from the University of
Queensland, Australia, in 2006. After graduation, Dr. Austin moved to the other side of her beautiful, sunny country, to the most isolated city in the world (Perth, Australia), to begin her Veterinary degree at Murdoch University. 4.5 years later, she graduated with a dual degree in Veterinary Biology and Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in 2011.

After a total of 7.5 years of schooling and 3 degrees later, Dr. Austin packed her things, her beloved labrador & fluffy cat, and made the move across the world to the USA. Where she started as a Mixed Animal Veterinarian in the beautiful Hudson Valley New York and later as an emergency clinician.

After 2.5 years upstate, Dr. Austin moved into the Big Apple to continue her veterinary education, where she completed a rotating small animal internship in Brooklyn, NY. After losing her beloved Labrador at 16.5 years of age, Dr. Austin felt very passionate about caring for older patients, via physical therapy, rehabilitation and pain management strategies.

A year ago, after 11 years in the Big Apple, Dr. Austin felt the need for more space and trees and made the move out to the Pacific NorthWest, to beautiful Oregon, along with Truffles the pom x, and her fluffy ragdoll cat Audrey, where she completed her Companion Animal Rehabilitation Therapist course & a Certificate in Canine Chiropractics.

In her spare time, Dr. Austin fosters dogs for local rescues (she’s up to number 25!) She finally caved and adopted the oldest, a 14-year-old, toothless, hairless (not anymore!) little lady pomeranian x chihuahua! She also tries to shake off the Sunday scaries with extra-long runs and is training for her 7th marathon and just completed her 1st ultra-marathon. She also loves hiking, snowboarding, and riding horses when time permits.