Canine Total Hip Replacements

The Veterinary Referral Center of Central Oregon is now screening patients with hip problems such as hip dysplasia for Total Hip Replacements. Our first group of patients is planned to undergo their hip replacement in November. Canine Total Hip Replacements have been performed successfully in dogs for decades. With advances in technology one can expect an approximate 90% success rate, which results in an excellent quality of life and the ideal solution for dogs significantly affected with hip dysplasia.
Because dogs don’t live as long as humans, hip replacements can be performed as early as a year of age. There are also several other surgical interventions that your pet may be a candidate for besides a total hip replacement such as a triple pelvic osteotomy, juvenile pubic symphysiodesis, or femoral head and neck ostectomy. There are pros and cons to all treatment strategies and a consultation with a boarded veterinary surgeon is recommended as soon as your pet is diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The reason for this is because some of the surgical options are time sensitive and progression of hip dysplasia may render the procedure suboptimal.
We are excited to be the first referral and emergency hospital to start a program of this caliber to the region. If your pet suffers from hip dysplasia and you are interested in a total hip replacement we encourage you to schedule a consult today to take advantage of strong incentives in place for our initial group of candidates and learn more about this amazing program we are trying to bring to our superstar pets in Central Oregon.
Please contact for more information.